並行 / Co exist / Bijzijn is a zine, we as Koppelteken created to present the similarities between the two cultures we grew up in. This product was sold at the Non Native Native fair 2021. Understanding a proverb reveals the cultural fundamentals, values, morals, ideals, beliefs, etc., its core. The west and the east are perceived as opposite and being part of the Chinese diaspora in the Netherlands we noticed that the discrepancies between Dutch and Chinese values are often discussed, whereas similarities are overlooked and unacknowledged. Ultimately one is being labelled “better” in comparison to the other. Of course, every culture has their own values and traditions and it can be in complete contrast. However, which one we choose to accept and practice in our lives feels like a betrayal towards the other. Can’t both cultures co-jointly exist in us? We use proverbs from both cultures and unite them to reveal the similarities within the cultures. The proverbs we have chosen also reflect our core values as an initiative.